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Guest Thinkers

An amazing lineup of Classroom 2.0 events

Steve Hargadon over at Classroom 2.0 has an amazing set of webinars lined up for us this week. Here’s the relevant portion of Steve’s recent e-mail message:

Tuesday, May 5th, at 12:30pm Pacific / 3:30pm Eastern [/ 7:30pm GMT]:  Keith Krueger, the CEO of the Consortium for School Networking (, discusses the Education Stimulus package and reviews the results of school CTO and superintendent survey.  Keith takes a holistic view of the costs of technology, discusses proactive strategic and tactical approaches to minimize the damage from reduced technology investments, and explores how technology can be used to save time and money.  Part of thehttp://www.EdStimulus.orgproject, join the event at

Wednesday, May 6th, at 5:00pm Pacific / 8:00pm Eastern / 12am GMT:  Don Tapscott, the author or co-author of 13 widely read books, including Wikinomics, discusses with me the future of education, Grown Up Digital (his latest book), and the Net Gen Education Project.  Log-in and other details at

Thursday, May 7th, at 5:00pm Pacific / 8:00pm Eastern / 12am GMT:  Michael Horn, co-author of Disrupting Class:  How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns, and the co-founder and Executive Director (Education) of Innosight Institute, a non-profit think tank devoted to applying the theories of disruptive innovation to problems in the social sector.  We’ll discuss his book, Web 2.0, and more.  Login and other details at

I don’t know how you get all of this great stuff arranged for us, Steve, but THANK YOU! I think I can make the first two and would do the third one too if my son didn’t have baseball practice. I’ll have to catch it on replay. Hope to see some of you participate in at least one of these!


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