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A glaring absence of technology: Policy statements from national school administrator and teacher associations

You can tell a lot about an organization’s priorities from its policy advocacy goals. Below are the national policy priorities for America’s four main national school leadership associations (NAESP, NASSP, AASA, and NSBA) and two primary national teacher associations (NEA and AFT). I’ve also thrown in ASCD just for fun. Take a look at what they say is important to them (i.e., what’s worth fighting for with legislators and policymakers).

Notice the glaring absence of attention to technology-related issues. Other than some advocacy for E-Rate, there’s not much there. ASCD wins my vote for doing the best with this through its advocacy work on “educating students in a changing world.”

What are the implications for integration and implementation of digital technologies into P-12 schools when most of the national school administrator and teacher associations rank this issue low on their list of policy priorities?

1. National Association of Elementary School Principals

2. National Association of Secondary School Principals

3. American Association of School Administrators (superintendents / central office)

(see also AASA’s 2010 Legislative Agenda)

4. National School Boards Association

5. National Education Association

6. American Federation of Teachers

7. ASCD (formerly the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development)


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