A Different Type of Marketing Blog

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Astute readers who visit this site will notice a change happened this morning: this blog is now hosted on bigthink.com, an expert knowledge network visited by one million users each month. This is a huge move for me, and I’m excited about what it signifies.
In blogging, I’ve always attempted to rise above the echo chamber and provide some unique value through an insight or experience I’ve had and can share with you. Rising above the news-cycles isn’t a great way to build a high-traffic blog, but it’s been a fantastic exercise in creating intellectual value — and had started some interesting conversations with some high-profile marketing publications about writing for them.
In the middle of those conversations, BigThink reached out and asked if I’d consider becoming part of their content family.
After a few conversations, it was clear we shared some philosophical guidelines:
That was a fantastic way to start the relationship, and BigThink has created some fascinating content — a handful of entertaining blogs from experts in various fields (like physics, political theory, volcanology, cartography, and the economics of sexual relationships) and over 1500 interviews with experts as varied as Stephen Hawking, Paul Krugman, Ray Kruzweil, Richard Branson, Ken Burns, Arianna Huffington, John McCain, and thousands more.
I liken BigThink to NPR: an experience that eclectic, interesting, and informative.
Add to the fact that BigThink is still a relatively new site and working through the startup kinks that I enjoy so much, and it sounded like a lot fun to be a part of as a writer. So, today I’m officially launching Cue The Future on BigThink.com, where I’ll be writing my new posts going forward.
Not too much will change:
I’m proud to be part of the BigThink family, and I hope that together we can build a really vibrant discussion around marketing, technology, and the future.
Since this is a new blog, there’s a couple things you may want to do to make sure you see my posts:
Help me tailor the content to what you want to learn more about – if I could cover anything in the next year, what would be most interesting to you?