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I don’t know if this is such an appropriate post for Sunday morning. A study from Northwestern shows that people who regularly attend religious services are 50% more likely to become […]
Why any man is willing to pay $3.8 million dollars for a one-time experience, when he doesn’t get a wife out of the deal, is frankly beyond economic reasoning.
Currently, we are unable to prove our “hidden” knowledge, things that are learned “along the way” rather than in a certified course or degree program. That needs to—and will—change, perhaps thanks to these innovative start ups.
Here in New York it is possible to take a slightly more dispassionate view of some of the Western, particularly British media, reaction to the events in Libya. The most […]
Yesterday, I posted links to article by myself and Ginny Hill on Yemen.  Today, I’ll add a number of other interviews by commentators on what is happening in Yemen.  Stacey […]
As I’ve written before, labor unions play a vital role in our economy. Whatever mixed feelings they have toward labor unions, Americans generally understand this. While they may not want […]