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The Economist’s Charlemagne columnist declares Belgium to be a dying country and, for the first time, there’ve been no accusations of exaggeration. What’s going on?
Boston, Amritsar, Derry; names of places and events that the British Army would rather forget. For although the events that occurred in these places span the centuries, they have one […]
Solar Impulse, a Swiss venture launched by explorer/innovator/engineer/psychologist/businessmen Betrand Piccard and Andre Borschberg, is shooting beyond the moon and aiming for the sun. Their mission: build a solar aircraft that […]
By all officials estimates, the Earth’s population is scheduled to grow rapidly during the coming decades, but this long-term problem ill-suits short term political careers, says The Independent.
Skeptic Michael Shermer thinks we deceive ourselves because “we did not evolve a baloney-detection device in our brains to discriminate between true and false patterns.”
Contrary to popular belief, high crop yields created by industrialized farming have greatly slowed global warming by preventing deforestation for new farmland, says a new study from the Carnegie Institution.
Audrey Hepburn’s Holly Golightly has served as a style icon for decades, but the subtle complexities of Truman Capote’s heroine are less discussed. Today’s Times review of Sam Wasson’s new […]
Astronomer Chris Impey surveys the possible causes of earth’s extinction. Whether it come from an asteroid or the sun’s implosion, the rock we live on is by no means an eternal home.
In between the extremes of being a slave to your whims and trying to master every emotion, there must be a middle road. Psychology Today talks of a “probabilistic approach” to expressing emotion.
Scientology’s religious order, Sea Organization, has been accused by its female members of forcing them to have abortions, the reason being that children make the women unproductive.
“Having perpetual freedom in our romantic choices can be a mixed blessing,” says philosophy professor Aaron Ben-Zeév. “Boundaries are essential for human behavior.”