1to1Schools tops 700
Yesterday CASTLE’s 1to1 Schools blog topped 700 subscribers. Woo hoo!
Remember that CASTLE has a growing family of blogs related to educational leadership issues. In addition to 1to1 Schools, our other blogs are:
- n
- LeaderTalk (group blog that aggregates the voices of school leaders; hosted by Education Week),
- Edjurist (school law),
- SchoolFinance101 (school finance and policy),
- Virtual School Meanderings (online learning),
- Educational Games Research (gaming in education), and, of course,
- Dangerously Irrelevant (technology, leadership, and school reform)
There are lots of good things happening on these blogs. For example, SchoolFinance101 has been on an absolute tear lately regarding Race To The Top and other policy issues. Educational Games Research just reviewed Do I Have a Right?, a serious game intended to help American students learn their Constitutional rights. Virtual School Meanderings is reviewing virtual schooling apps for the iPad. Edjurist recently compiled a list of online school law resources for administrators. The latest posts at LeaderTalk concern abandoning the summer break, professional development, and the IBM Selectric repair man. And so on…
This fall we’ll launch a group blog on social justice and educational leadership issues. If you’re interested in being a contributor to that or any of our other blogs or if you have a suggestion for a new educational leadership blog that we should start drop me a note.
Happy reading!