Hockney Retrospective
Art critic Karen Wright charts her run-ins with English painter David Hockney over the last ten years. The prolific painter has taken to photography and even drawing on his iPhone.
Art critic Karen Wright charts her run-ins with English painter David Hockney over the last ten years. The prolific painter has taken to photography and even drawing on his iPhone. “Hockney’s ideas are infectious: he expects the visitor to engage with them. He gives the girls a small concave mirror and says, ‘You can do your own camera obscura,’ showing them how to look into it and pointing out where the light needs to come from. Tea is served and, as always at Hockney’s, it’s a meal filled with visual and sensual delight. We eat iced cakes and fruit tarts sitting at a table with a bowl of pears making a simple, beautiful centerpiece…”