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Three Things to Read

Three interesting pieces on Yemen have hit the internet in the past couple of days, which people who follow Waq al-waq should definitely read.

The first, and most important, is this interview that Qasim al-Raymi – AQAP’s military commander – gave to a Yemeni journalist.  (The interview was originally published by al-Quds al-Arabi, but the font on that website drives me crazy, so I’m linking to, for me, (Ar.) an easier to read version.)

The next two pieces are parts I and II of an interview that Christopher Swift gave to Carl Prine on a recent research trip he took to Yemen.  I don’t agree with all of things that Swift says – and it is interesting to compare Raymi’s version of what is happening in Yemen with Swift’s version – but both piece are still well-worth your time.

Part I is here.  And Part II is here

I’m awaiting as well what Swift eventually writes for West Point. 


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