Supermoons from Big Think Readers Around the World

The image above, from Justin Trevor Hall, is one of many images sent to Big Think of last night’s Supermoon.
Everyone had a different view of the sky last night, but Hall gets the ‘A for effort.’ He writes to us:
My wife and I had a moon watching party, where I setup my telescope to do astrophotography, and using a laptop pc to remotely control my camera taking photos, I also routed it to a projector and projected the images as I took them on a huge screen where everyone ooohhhed and ahhhed…
Can we be invited next year?
Here is the supermoon from Abu Dhabi, UAE, courtesy fo Bibrak Qamar:
…And a Supermoon photo from Dubai, courtesy of Haron Tordesillas:
Google+ Follower Belynda Caldero pointed us to this image, which was posted on Twitter by Neil deGrasse Tyson, without comment. The image depicts two full moons, one from May, and one from June 23, that look nearly identical. In other words, the supermoon, in Tyson’s view, is not so super after all. Or, if you’re more of a glass-half-full kind of person, you would say I think the Moon is super all the time, not just tonight.