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My blog featuring radio stories and other “Ideas Worth Listening To.” My goal is to motivate, inspire and help with your own personal success. Using radio as a tool for self-examination may seem bizarre at first, but I feel it’s an elegantly simple way to help explain things. When done right, radio has the power to evoke emotions; and, this blog will attempt to stir your emotional core, through a connection you already know. The daily “Ear Openers” will help you cut through the clutter of your work, your money and your routine, and turn the focus on what you want your life to be. So, Tune In. Use the Free Air. And achieve your unlimited potential.
The cross-cutting matrix of interests that defines our new global landscape is nicely represented in this commercial for the non-profit Citizens Energy featuring founder, and Kennedy family scion, Joe Kennedy […]
Wall Street bonuses have been captured under the media’s microscope since the the recession began in earnest, and most objective perspectives have called the billions in performance-based pay superfluous remuneration. […]
The alternative but clever Boston Phoenix is convinced that the New York Times editorializing,  Princeton teaching, Nobel Prize-winning celebrity economist Paul Krugman is the man to desend, deus-ex-machina-like, into the […]