Internet service providers have filed suit against the FCC over its recent decision to regulate broadband internet as a public utility.
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You searched for: Jonathan Nus
The Mind/Body Split in American Acting (and culture) On the whole, and with a few notable exceptions, Hollywood expects its great actors to play themselves in every role. We want […]
n nIn a recent speech that he gave at Parsons School of Design in New York, Business Week’s Bruce Nussbaum explains why there has been a backlash against design. According […]
Businesses are getting smarter about pensions – learning how to maximize returns on their investment and make good on their promises to workers. This translates into greater employee loyalty, more competitive hiring, and a more stable corporate infrastructure.
The Source Family, a radical 1970s utopian commune, still impacts what we eat today.
As the stream of AI-generated art turns into a deluge, NFTs could become a cornerstone of the Virtual Renaissance.
We might be dining on insect-based Christmas pies with robot-harvested algae on the side.
GPS holds the key, but astronomers can’t do it without help. Since 2019, the night sky — as seen by both human eyes and the telescopes we use to enhance our views of […]
The world is changing, and technology is driving that change. Today, that observation is about as compelling as the insight that water runs downhill. It’s just what technology (and water) […]
Perspective twisting books on biology, social science, medical science, cosmology, and tech.
Map shows oldest buildings for each U.S. state – but also hints at what’s missing.
The health care system isn’t ready for that, either.
It’s probably always been the case that each generation’s creations and preoccupations shape the next generation in unexpected ways, producing young adults who seem nearly incomprehensible to their elders, especially […]
Despite being free to users, Facebook seems to have a monopoly on our speech, our data, and our lives.
A new generation is waiting for the whimsy and wit of Dr. Seuss.
White-nose syndrome is nearly as lethal to bats as the Black Plague was for humans.
As enjoyable as it is to be a couch potato, humans were built to run.
Jonathan Zittell Smith, the most influential scholar of religion of the past half-century, thought that religion “is created for the scholar’s analytic purposes.”
Are all those drunk animals on YouTube actually drunk? Zoologist Lucy Cooke examines what’s really going on when animals go, er, wild.
A new quiz by the University of California reveals just how much carbon your diet is creating.
“The starting point for understanding inequality in the context of human progress is to recognize that income inequality is not a fundamental component of well-being.”
Some philosophers have tried to base morality on human nature, but what does biology say about that?
Because intelligence is not the same thing as rationality.
Americans are, often with justification, regarded as not being versed in philosophy. This is a shame, as the United States and the colonies that proceeded it have produced many great thinkers
“The value of a college education is not the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think,” Albert Einstein said. So go back to school, Ivy League style.
Storytelling isn’t an escape from reality, it’s a deep dive into it.
At its hottest, the closest world to the Sun reaches up to 800º Fahrenheit. But another has it beat. “There is no question that climate change is happening; the only arguable […]
Chinese philosophers have suggested “You… should not think of yourself as a single, unified being.” The Path, a book by Michael Puett and Christine Gross-Loh, can explain (with help from Plato, Kant, Eden, Hume, Confucius, Kahnenman…).