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One thing a school might be doing in generally educating the student is teaching him or her appropriate patterns of responsible civic behavior, says Harvard professor Sean Kelly.
Influencers are what makes the greentech industry world go round, so here are the 10 individuals that have had the biggest effect on the greentech sector this year.
Today we would have seen parliamentary elections, but they were postponed, so instead, like everyone else, I’m waiting to see the results (if any) of today’s goings on in Abyan.
Saba and 26September are reporting that four soldiers have been killed in an ambush in Abyan. Tracking this as to culpability, but it seems that violence has been ratcheting up, […]
Three new articles on Yemen (in English) that you should read.1. Bernard Haykel in the National2. Fawaz Gerges for CNN3. Michael Knights for the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that a deal to send the Yemeni detainees to Saudi Arabia is in the making. This comes out just as I argue in “How […]
Apologies for the extended absence from blogging. It couldn’t be helped. A lot has happened in the last two weeks, some of which I’ll even be blogging about in the […]
To any readers for whom this has not yet aired: Greg is on Newshour and on The Charlie Rose show this evening, talking, I believe, about recipes. Or Yemen. He […]
For all our Danish speakers out there, and seeing as how I come from good (or at least hearty, as family legend says we were chased out of Denmark a […]
After threatening several times, I have finally added a “Yemeni reading list” in the post below and I will create a permanent link on the side. The list is based […]