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If I didn’t subscribe to Assorted Stuff, I’d miss brilliant, hysterical stuff like this: A crappy copy should work just fine Be sure to watch the MPAA’s video and read […]
This seems like a seemingly simple question for teachers: Could you identify 10 excellent web sites for your grade level / subject area? Ideally, of course, teachers would know 10 or […]
If you haven’t seen them yet, here are two ads currently being aired by Kaplan University. They come out pretty strongly against the traditional postsecondary paradigm. What do you think? 
My grandma turned 90 today. She doesn’t have a computer and probably will never see this message but I’m blogging about it anyway ‘cause I think it’s cool.
I love both these videos. Will you join them?  Generation WE: The Movement Begins… from Generation We on Vimeo.Generation We: The Movement is Spreading! from Generation We on Vimeo.
Al Gore said: We have to abandon the conceit that isolated personal actions are going to solve this crisis. Our policies have to shift. He was talking about global climate […]
There’s a fine line between being a public intellectual and just being a pundit. On many days I’m not sure on which side of the line I’m walking…
Quick! Name a long term, substantive, sustainable change that occurred in your organization without the active support of your leadership. I’ll wait… That’s what I thought. Now why aren’t you […]
Bud Hunt posted in Twitter about The Gaming Krib. Here’s the basic premise of the service this company’s trying to sell: n n It has the ability to shut off […]
I just discovered, courtesy of Kim Cofino on Twitter, these videos by Nathan Lowell. They definitely deserve greater attention… A view of 21st century learners Welcome to your world Free […]
Here’s a short video of Seth Godin: Curious Here’s the money quote: For 7, 10, 15 years of school, you are required to not be curious. Over and over and […]
My colleague, Dr. David Quinn, and I were invited to come help with the ASB Unplugged 1:1 laptop conference for international schools in late February. We’ll be working with the […]