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Futurist and singularitarian Ray Kurzweil has applied his “law of accelerating returns” to the field of solar power in saying that he in not concerned about a future energy crisis.
Over the years, researchers have tried to explain monogamy, but in efforts to find out how people maintain relationships, some researchers look at more subtle clues—literally.
Couldn’t pass this up. The small business community Ekaweeka has been featuring this YouTube video of a photo shoot for Innovator Jeans on its front page: young lovelies dance around […]
Will a new “Beijing consensus” replace Washington as the dominant economic role model for the developing world, or will the democratizing powers of technology put an end to authoritarian state […]
4 min
Journalist, philanthropist, entrepreneur, and astronaut, Esther Dyson describes how the future of search will be verbs, not nouns, as people are looking to take direct action with their queries.
5 min
The previous director of the National Cancer Institute wanted to banish suffering and death from cancer by 2015. Current director Harold Varmus says this claim was not based on reality, […]
5 min