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Jennifer Rubell, 36, writer, renowned hostess, hotelier, Harvard grad and member of the illustrious Rubell clan, is poised to become the country’s newest entertaining guru.  Jennifer is currently Food and[…]

We are eating food from all over, and the seasons are no longer an issue.

Jennifer Rubell: Well we’re eating foods from all over.  It’s totally divorced us from the seasons.  But I actually . . .  I’m sort of an internal optimist, so I actually think it could be interesting in the future to have a more global sense of seasonality so that . . .  You know things still only grow at a certain time in certain places.  It’s not . . .  There is . . .  There is . . .  So it could be if . . .  Well let’s say there are airplanes that don’t have all of these atrocious emissions.  And let’s say in a perfect world you could get things from one place to another without like, you know, killing the planet.  Then people could get really into February cherries from Chile.  You know which I think would be really, really fun if we could get those cherries here in a timely manner, and in a somewhat responsible manner.  I know, for instance, that … lemons from California, they have a certain season, and you do see them in markets here only in a certain season.  Where we’re used to pomegranates, pomegranates don’t grow in the Northeast; but we only see them in the fall because they only really grow in the fall in California where most pomegranates that are sold in America are grown.  So I think that that kind of global seasonality could be really mind blowing and really cool.  But we’re certainly not there yet in terms of transportation technology, but it could be really fun – almost like a . . .  You’d have a farmer’s market experience inside of a global atmosphere.  So it would be interesting.

Recorded on 12/13/07
