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Who's in the Video
Daniel Quinn Mills is the Albert J. Weatherhead, Jr. Professor of Business Administration, Emeritus.  His tenure at Harvard lasted from 1976 to 2007.  He consults with major corporations and governments[…]

A good leader leads by example, says Mills.

Question: What makes a great leader?

D. Quinn Mills: Most important thing I think is a fairly clear vision of where you and the organization, or you and the followers are trying to go. Second thing is a great deal of courage, because it is not easy to get there, and people look for courage in their leaders, they look for consistency, they look for commitment in passion and those are the key things. You execute it I think primarily by example, and I think we under-rate that. I think what people look for in a leader is to see how to behave, to see how to think about things and what to do, and that’s mainly not a matter of order or instructions, it is a matter of example, and that I think it is most important thing.

Recorded on: 9/27/07




