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Who's in the Video
Andrew Cohen is an American spiritual teacher, bestselling author, and founder of the global nonprofit EnlightenNext and its award-winning publication, EnlightenNext magazine. His original teaching of Evolutionary Enlightenment redefines spiritual[…]

An unfulfilled desire.

Question: What does music mean to you?

Andrew Cohen:  Well, music is for me an unfulfilled desire because when I was a kid I wanted to be a jazz drummer, I wanted to be a musician, and eventually when I gave up my musical aspirations to pursue my desire for enlightenment I gave it up, but about nine years ago I began to pick it up again and slowly but surely it’s become quite a passion for me. So I would say that music for me is--  It’s an unfulfilled desire that’s now beginning to be fulfilled and it’s something that I love and also I think- I am often seen as quite a serious character and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that but when people come and see me play I think I- they see me as a human being, which of course I never pretend not to be. And that’s also very empowering to people and also seeing me play is also a very life-positive message to people, especially from someone who seems to be giving such a serious philosophical message. It means it’s okay to be a human being and of course that’s the way- who we- what we are anyway.

Recorded on: 04/28/2008
