This map comes from Dutch advertising agency EuroRSCG. Using data culled from Doctors of the World, they mapped out the number of doctors per patient in every country of the world. On their site, they explain:
“This poster (published in September 2007) hangs on the wall of waiting rooms at the doctor. This way we let Dutch people know how privileged they are when it comes to medical care, and thus how appropriate it would be for them to help Doctors of the World help the less privileged.”
Remarkably, Cuba leads the world (or at least those countries shown on this map) in the patients per doctor ratio. Other countries doing very well include the successor states to the communist bloc nations, which generally had good (and cheap) health care, and the developed (capitalist) nations in Europe and beyond – although the Netherlands is quite far down, and behind neighbouring countries such as Denmark, Belgium, France and Germany, if ever so slightly.
Here’s the complete list (bigger map below):
Cuba 170Belarus 220Belgium 220Greece 230Russia 230Georgia 240Italy 240Turkmenistan 240Ukraine 240Lithuania 250Uruguay 270Bulgaria 280Iceland 280Kazakhstan 280Switzerland 280Portugal 290France 300Germany 300Hungary 300South Korea 300Spain 300Denmark 310Sweden 310Finland 320Netherlands 320Norway 320Argentina 330Latvia 330Ireland 360Uzbekistan 360Mongolia 380United States 390Australia 400Kirgizstan 400Poland 400New Zealand 420Great Britain 440Qatar 450Canada 470Jordan 490Tajikistan 490Japan 500Mexico 500Venezuela 500Romania 550Ecuador 650North Korea 650Panama 700Syria 700Bosnia-H. 750Colombia 750Lybia 750Oman 750Saudi Arabia 750Tunisia 750Turkey 750Bolivia 800Peru 850Algeria 900Bahrain 900Brazil 900Chile 900Paraguay 900China 950Guatemala 1.100Jamaica 1.200South Africa 1.300Malaysia 1.400Pakistan 1.400Iraq 1.500India 1.700Laos 1.700Honduras 1.800Philippines 1.800Sri Lanka 1.800Egypt 1.900Vietnam 1.900Morocco 2.000Iran 2.200Suriname 2.200Botswana 2.500Nicaragua 2.700Thailand 2.700Myanmar 2.800Yemen 3.000Namibia 3.300Madagascar 3.400Bangladesh 3.800Haiti 4.000Sudan 4.500Nepal 4.800Afghanistan 5.300Cameroon 5.300Cambodia 6.300Zimbabwe 6.300Kenia 7.100Indonesia 7.700Zambia 8.300D.R. Congo 9.100Gambia 9.100Mauritani 9.100Angola 12.500C.A.R. 12.500Mali 12.500Uganda 12.500Senegal 16.500Bhutan 20.000Eritrea 20.000Lesotho 20.000Papua NG 20.000Rwanda 20.000Benin 25.000Chad 25.000Niger 25.000Somalia 25.000Burundi 33.500Ethiopia 33.500Liberia 33.500Mozambique 33.500Malawi 50.000Tanzania 50.000This map was found here at
This post is 185 in the Strange Maps series.