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The Improbable Truth: Lessons in Mindfulness from Sherlock Holmes

You can learn powerful habits of mind from the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. 

Observation. Focus. Memory tips. Deduction. These are just a few of the very real and powerful habits of mind you can learn from the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. 

Maria Konnikova, author of Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes will join us for a LIVE Google+ hangout on and Big Think’s public YouTube channel on Wednesday, 6/4 at 11 am EDT. 
Along with Big Think Editor Jason Gots and members of Big Think Mentor – our lifelong learning channel on YouTube – Maria will discuss ideas from her Mentor workshop How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes. 
You can watch Konnikova’s introduction to her Mentor workshop here and submit your questions in the comments below.
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