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Discover the Secrets of Happy Families, with Bruce Feiler

Discover the Secrets of Happy Families, with Bruce Feiler

Author Bruce Feiler lists the three major family shifts of the past generation: shifting definitions, working women, and a more intent focus on solutions over debate. He then explains how exploring these shifts led him to write his latest book, The Secrets of Happy Families.

Talk With Your Kids About Money, with Bruce Feiler

Money is one of the hardest things to talk about in a family. Bruce Feiler offers tips for how to facilitate financial conversation with your children. The key takeaway is that you want to enable your children to make their money mistakes while they’re young. “It’s much better to make a mistake with a six dollar allowance than a 60,000 dollar a year salary or a six million dollar inheritance.”

The Secrets of Sharing a Family Meal, with Bruce Feiler

Research shows that eating together brings a family closer and helps children develop. The problem is many Americans don’t do it—the United States ranks 33rd out of 35 countries. Despite this, Bruce Feiler explains how you don’t necessarily need to all sit rank and file, elbows on the table, in order to experience the benefits of sharing a meal. The secret is communication.

Weekly Meetings for High-Functioning Families, with Bruce Feiler

The number one problem in families, says Bruce Feiler, is that our lives are chaotic. The digital age has us overworked and overstressed. Predictably, the family suffers unless you learn how to adapt to shifting dynamics. What Feiler found when researching his latest book, “The Secrets of Happy Families,” was that strong familial units made sure to meet on a weekly basis to check the family pulse. In this video, Feiler walks through strategies you can employ in your own family to promote an atmosphere of adaptation.

How to Plan a Painless, Prosperous Family Vacation, with Bruce Feiler

Happy families play together. That’s the basis of why it’s important to travel together. Author Bruce Feiler walks through the best ways for families to explore their world without succumbing to stress.

All Families Fight. Learn to Fight Smarter, with Bruce Feiler

All families have conflict. Successful families actually limit it and move on to building positive memories. Bruce Feiler explains strategies for avoiding conflict, managing strife, negotiating peace, and controlling fighting between siblings.


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