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The Enemy of Art – with David Salle – Think Again Podcast #75

Spontaneous talk on surprise topics. Artist David Salle on how even to begin figuring out what “works” in art. 

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In this episode: 

Since 2008, Big Think has been sharing big ideas from creative and curious minds. The Think Again podcast takes us out of our comfort zone, surprising our guests and Jason Gots, your host, with unexpected conversation starters from Big Think’s interview archives.
David Salle‘s paintings are in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Guggenheim Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, The National Galerie Berlin and many others. His book How to See is a collection of essays, mainly on the work of other artists, that delves deep into questions about how art is made and what happens when we experience it.

In this episode, David and Jason wrestle with questions like why there are no bad cave paintings, whether or not Francis Bacon’s work is “decorative,” and why it’s impossible to say anything really prescriptive about how to make art. 

Surprise conversation starter interview clips in this episode:Dave Evans on prototyping in design, Alva Noë on art as a “strange tool”, and Julian Schnabel on art and the internet

About Think Again – A Big Think Podcast: You’ve got 10 minutes with Einstein. What do you talk about? Black holes? Time travel? Why not gambling? The Art of War? Contemporary parenting? Some of the best conversations happen when we’re pushed outside of our comfort zones. Each week on Think Again, we surprise smart people you may have heard of with short clips from Big Think’s interview archives on every imaginable subject. These conversations could, and do, go anywhere.


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