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Surprising Science

Unnatural Storm

Chinese state media have reported chaos in Beijing after scientists artificially induced the region’s second fake snow storm.

Chinese state media have reported chaos in Beijing after scientists artificially induced the region’s second unnatural snow storm. The blizzard-like weather is the earliest snowfall to hit the capital in more than 20 years and more snow is expected over the next three days, according to the National Meteorological Center. Snow clouds were seeded with chemicals to induce precipitation and increase the volume of the downpour by up as much as 20 per cent, according to reports in the regional press. “City weather officials have previously said that such methods are aimed at alleviating a drought over much of north China, including Beijing, that has lingered for more than a decade. But residents have griped about the flight delays, traffic snarls, cancelled classes and other inconveniences of a surprise snow storm, saying officials could warn them if they are planning to toy with the clouds,” reports ABC News.


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