The new version’s battery has a shorter range and a price $4,000 lower than the previous starting price.
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In the wake of several public setbacks since the start of 2018, Musk said Tesla is currently going through a “production hell.”
When we look at the sculpture of Auguste Rodin, we can’t help but feel what his figures feel. Every inch of those sculpted bodies “speaks” the language of passion, whether […]
Product development and launch was easier when the consumer was young enough to see everything as new and novel. While admittedly fast moving and hard to keep, the ‘tween through […]
From gene expression to protein design, large language models are creating a suite of powerful genomic tools.
The problem of the electroweak horizon haunts the standard model of cosmology and beckons us to ask how deep a rethink the model may need.
How do physicists solve a problem like entropy?
Once the initial blaze of heat dissipated, the constituent particles of atoms were free to bind.
Cosmologists are largely still in the dark about the forces that drive the Universe.
A recent study is the first to fabricate electronic components from endogenous molecules.
It may be time for a cosmological paradigm shift.
A new discovery pushes back the origin of these technologies by about 40,000 years.
Theory without experiment is blind, and experiment without theory is lame.
From landscaped gardens to road systems, the Persians were among the first to create many things we still enjoy today.
When it comes to handling our emotions, we can’t afford to be none the WISER.
Not even Einstein immediately knew the power of the equations he gave us.
This is your brain on work.
Human thinking is antiquated.
Godfrey Hounsfield’s early life did not suggest that he would accomplish much at all.
In the West, discussions of 20th-century painting are dominated by Warhol and Picasso, but trendsetting artists are found everywhere.
To do more, it sometimes pays to do nothing at all.
19 years ago, the Bullet Cluster provided an empirical proof for dark matter. Even today, modified gravity still can’t explain it.
Far from practicing witchcraft, the experimentation of medieval alchemists helped bring about the Scientific Revolution.
“Jumping genes” exist in various forms, including as remnants of ancient retroviruses, and make up about 45% of the human genome.
While Costco warehouses may remind shoppers of Walmart, this membership-only retailer has a business model that more closely resembles Amazon or Netflix.
For years and over three separate experiments, “lepton universality” appeared to violate the Standard Model. LHCb at last proved otherwise.
The Universe gravitates so that normal matter and General Relativity alone can’t explain it. Here’s why dark matter beats modified gravity.
Biotechnology can convert enemy viruses into anti-cancer mercenaries.
An increase in genetic regulatory elements explains how modern humans evolved bigger brains than other hominins.
Based on product labeling claims, scientists hypothesized that green cleaners were less toxic. They were wrong.