Not many art stories make the cover of both TIME and Newsweek in the same week, but the revelation of Andrew Wyeth’s infamous “Helga Paintings” in 1986 caused a news […]
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You searched for: Michael Hamm
Muhammad Ali specualtes about traveling to Mars to fight a champion boxing match in 1966.
Two straight lines connect Glastonbury to Armageddon
The future of food sounds bleak, but it doesn’t need to be this way.
What began as an annoyance ended as a Nobel Prize-winning discovery about the Big Bang and the origin of the Universe.
The Church of England is debating if believers should stop using gendered language when talking about God.
The quadratic formula isn’t just something that teachers use to torture algebra students. The Babylonians once used it to calculate taxes.
Just don’t expect the apocalypse to look like it does in the movies.
The most unpleasant aspect of intellectual liberalism is that when speech causes emotional or mental pain, the offended parties are morally entitled to nothing.
Outside Europe, much of the world followed an assortment of rules and understandings about what time meant.
The cartoon heard ’round the world and what happened after.
Your next payday could be all digital.
LIGO and Virgo have now detected a total of 11 binary merger events. But exactly 0 were in the Milky Way. Here’s why. One of the most spectacular recent advances in […]
America’s greatest international impact since World War 2 has been through its diplomacy, not its wars.
What seems like sorcery is actually smart science.
They seem almost indistinguishable in some regards, but only one of them represents our physical Universe. When it comes to describing the physical world, we can do it anecdotally, as […]
Say it should fall. It’ll cost over $1 trillion to rehabilitate the nation. Who’s going to pay for that?
Anti-Islam fervor has overlooked important artistic contributions made by Muslim artists around the world.
Our love affair with profanity may be cultural or it may be neurological.
While cupping hit the mainstream thanks to Olympic athletes, the practice has a religious history in Islam.
Respectability politics makes us comfortable. It hoists us up on our high horses, and takes away our responsibility for the way we treat other people. It puts the burden on the marginalized person to adjust their appearance or behavior to earn respect from the majority.
For Women’s History Month 2016, take the #5WomenArtists challenge and test your (sexist?) art history knowledge.
How the Solar Eclipse of 1919 spelled the end for Newton. “Oh leave the Wise our measures to collate. One thing at least is certain, light has weight. One thing […]
Image credit: © 2015 MotorTrend Magazine, via How gravity teaches us that the mountains we see extend far underground. “Journalists often ask me when I go to the field, […]
The World was supposed to be finished years ago. But the financial crisis of 2008 slowed construction. Work now has resumed on the artificial archipelago off Dubai. However, changing plans […]
Four years ago a paper by Dan Sperber published in the Review of Philosophy and Psychology coined the term: The Guru Effect – the tendency for people to “judge profound […]
How the Solar Eclipse of 1919 changed our understanding of the Universe forever. “Oh leave the Wise our measures to collate. One thing at least is certain, light has weight. One […]
You’ll frequently hear people say “the science is settled.” Scientifically speaking, can it ever be? “All the problems of the world could be settled easily if men were only willing to […]
It was the most promising idea for where new physics might lie. Now that the LHC data is in, is it dead? “The revolution is not an apple that falls when […]
If art is designed to provoke the passions, it does not confine itself to the pleasant ones.