Despite a reputation for catastrophe and cat killings, curiosity is a beneficial drive that improves our lives and well-being.
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You searched for: Johnny Wood
The Source Family, a radical 1970s utopian commune, still impacts what we eat today.
You want your baby’s name to be unique, but so does everyone else.
Earlier this month, Big Think sat down with filmmaker Jason Sussberg of Structure Films to discuss We Are As Gods, a new documentary produced by Jason and fellow filmmaker David […]
Neuroscience explains terrifying ordeals, from out-of-body experiences to alien abductions.
Remarkable ‘fan art’ commemorates 50th anniversary of legendary guitar player’s passing.
A lifelong fan on why she’s drawn to the magnificent gas giant.
Why did Jackie Robinson have to break baseball’s color line in 1947 after another man broke it almost 70 years before?
Prosperity preachers like Creflo Dollar and Joel Osteen are only the latest incarnations of a long lineage of American hucksters.
With all apologies to Neil Young, this is the story of Johnny Rotten, or at least the story of his clothes. PUNK: Chaos to Couture, which opens today at the […]
With its space shuttle program grounded, NASA has found a great way to stay relevant with its daily release of images and videos, which we are happy to serve up to […]
The GRAMMYS turned out to be one of the classiest and most entertaining award shows ever. Certainly the show blew away the Super Bowl on both fronts. Even the commercials […]