“Tristram Shandy” trolled its way to fame.
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You searched for: Emily Ury
All American and European eels originate in the same place.
Now that technology allows more people to work pretty much anywhere and at any time, what does that mean for 21st-century city planners and urban designers?
Only two authenticated images of Emily Dickinson exist: one a painting of her (and her siblings) as a child, the other an iconic photograph of her as a teenager. In […]
Seawater is raising salt levels in coastal woodlands along the entire Atlantic Coastal Plain, from Maine to Florida.
Some classic books, like Mark Twain’s “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” remain controversial to this day.
Art criticism is inherently subjective. Still, many critics have tried to make a case for why some of the world’s most celebrated books are in fact terribly written.
Red dwarf stars were supposed to be inhospitable. But TOI-700, now with at least two potentially habitable worlds, is quite the exception.
From Aristotle’s lazy cosmology to Immanuel Kant’s “scientific” racism, great minds are not immune to very bad ideas.
It turns out it’s hard to make work at an Amazon warehouse fun.
Fire-breathing dragons may represent chaos and the human impulse to conquer that threat.
Here’s your gateway to enjoying the best of literature.
Discussions of human evolution are usually backward looking, as if the greatest triumphs and challenges were in the distant past.
Society incorrectly blamed a “population bomb” for problems that had other causes. A wrong diagnosis produces ineffective solutions.
The stars, planets, and many moons are extremely round. Why don’t they take other shapes?
In 2006, Pluto was demoted in a very controversial decision. Unless you ignore nearly all of planetary science, it’ll never be one again.
The largest moon in our Solar System, often overlooked, is a water-rich world. Does that mean life? Here on Earth, life took hold very early on in our planet’s history, and […]
The dream of zero resistance is closer than you may think. One of the biggest physical problems in modern society is resistance. Not political or social resistance, mind you, but electrical […]
The new record-holder opens up a literal Universe full of possibilities. Someday, even our own Sun will eventually run out of hydrogen fuel in its core, bringing a tremendous set […]
Watch the plasma slide down the prominence like a roller coaster! Our Sun, despite it’s outward appearance as a perfectly hot sphere, is anything but uniform. When take a closer look […]
What happens when simulation theory becomes more than a fascinating thought experiment?
What is human dignity? Here’s a primer, told through 200 years of great essays, lectures, and novels.
In 2006, the IAU demoted Pluto. Here’s what we know today. In 2006, the last planet in our Solar System suffered an unforgettable insult, as Pluto — known for generations as our ninth […]
Early reading experiences play an important role in brain development.
Smoking is not just habit-based but is deeply entwined with emotions.
Those who think they’re better at lying than average seem to have a few things in common.
It’s a supergiant star in the final stage of its life, and it just dimmed by an enormous amount. What’s going on? When you take a look at the stars in […]
There’s real, straightforward science behind the destruction of an Alderaan-sized planet. In all of science fiction, perhaps the most iconic moment of destruction occurs in 1977’s Star Wars: A New […]
Unequal gender dynamics still prevail even at the very top.
And one of our planets has the orbiting moons to prove it. Despite the dangers posed to planet Earth by a comet or asteroid strike, our Solar System is actually an […]