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You searched for: David Reilly
Donald Trump is the poster boy for the GOP, which has used its ability to harness anger for the powers of bad.
Late night comedians are taking on The Man like it’s their job.
The flood of images of violence and unrest continues to flow from Ferguson, Missouri, in the wake of the shooting death of Michael Brown on August 9, 2014. (See one […]
On October 17th, 2005, comedian Stephen Colbert introduced the persona “Stephen Colbert” on the first episode of The Colbert Report by also introducing to the world the concept of “Truthiness.” […]
Is denial of climate change a fringe belief, like thinking the moon landing was fake? Or is it just one current of thought in our society, which deserves respectful engagement, […]
Getting risk wrong leads to dangers all by itself, and we will remain vulnerable to these mistakes until we let go of our naïve post-Enlightenment faith in reason and accept that risk perception is inescapably an affective system, not just a matter of rationally figuring out the facts.
Atheist author and magician Penn Jillette asks why we can’t use the word “holidays” instead of “Christmas” to be more inclusive.
I’ve been nominated for a few Edublog Awards this year, including Best Individual Blog, Lifetime Achievement, and Best Leadership Blog (a nonexistent category!). I’m flattered that some folks think I’m worthy […]
Thank you to everyone who expressed interest in serving on the CASTLE Advisory Board. We had many, many more applicants than we possibly could take. Although having too many people […]
Listen to this post! Pete Reilly’s excellent post should be required reading for school administrators worried about online safety issues. I’ve blogged about this issue before, notably here and here. […]
At the Washington Post yesterday, staff writer Paul Fahri described several of the emerging areas of research on The Daily Show and similar forms of political parody. The feature emphasizes […]
How ironic is it that the FOX News where Sean Hannity has been howling about Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf wanting “Sharia law” to replace our existing laws is the very […]
This past year, in the School of Communication here at American University, we were lucky to add to our faculty Lauren Feldman, a newly minted PhD from the Annenberg School […]
The Times editorial page has been conspicuously down a token right-winger recently as former Atlantic blogger Ross Douthat stands on deck, preparing to step to the plate where Bill Kristol […]