“I suddenly woke up one day and thought, you idiot, you are letting your life fade away, you have got to do something.”
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You searched for: Chao Fang
“At times, it seems as if we are condemned to try to understand our own time with conceptual frameworks more than half a century old.” Historian Niall Ferguson says it’s time for an update.
Democracy is happening like never before, and it’s exploiting our deepest fears and failures.
NewSpace is no stranger to challenge, whether above the clouds or in legislation. One particularly ornery obstacle is the US International Traffic and Arms Regulation, commonly known as ITAR. (Please […]
When true paradigm shifts occur, as with Cloud Computing and NewSpace, there is no buzz phrase that is more appropriate, stigmatized as it may be. When examining existing and emerging […]
Who will you put your money on — Richard Brandson, Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk?
How could Lance Armstrong, the most famous and most highly-scrutinized cyclist in the world repeatedly pass drug tests while actively doping over the course of a decade?
The interdisciplinary approach both to research and learning is starting to gain favor again because small and nimble research labs are proving that they have a method for speeding the pace and reducing the cost of discovery.
Small and nimble research labs are proving that they have a method for speeding the pace and reducing the cost of discovery.
What’s the Big Idea? “Your Gravity Theory Sucks!” Margaret Wertheim was surprised to find this comment on an order form for a self-published book called The Other Theory of Physics, […]
Just in time for the holidays, the Hubble Space Telescope has delivered an amazing view of a cosmic event that is being called the “Holiday Snow Angel.” The image captures […]
What do you do when your Presidential campaign is floundering and your support has collapsed in the polls? I’m not sure. That’s why political strategists are paid the big bucks. […]
Religious groups, labor groups, women’s rights groups, environmental groups and various business interests all offer “scorecards” that rate politicians. So why not atheists? Penn Jillette fills the void.
Yemen is a confusing place and at times that confusion is used by certain people within the country to further their own agenda. Still, after reading stories like this and […]